CELCO - Mahwah, New Jersey Facility - Photo Tour |
...Welcome to 14 Industrial Avenue. | |
...CELCO Computer Assisted Test Station. In our Lab, setups, such as this one, are used to develop and test Display Systems, Driver Circuitry and and Display System Components. Some examples of Display System Components are: Deflection Coils; Focus Coils; Centering Coils; Beam Flooding Coils; Astigmatism Correction Coils; Centering and Flooding Magnets. Delta and In-Line Gun Convergence and Purity Assemblies; and so on. CRT evaluations, to aid in the development of new CRT designs, are performed on setups such as this also. |
A CELCO Deflection Amplifier, bottom-right, is incorporated into each
station. Computer generated display pattern signals are conditioned and inputed to the CELCO amplifier which
drives the display component under test (deflection coil, focus coil, etc...). Auxilliary equipment (DC power supplies, meters, etc...) can be installed in one of our Auxilliary Equipment carts as seen to the left of the setup. The CELCO Testing Software and Hardware is capable of monitoring up to 8 signal lines simultaneously. The need for additional external metering devices is extremely rare. |
The Magnet Charging and Treating Station is used to charge permanent straight and curved rod magnets for Pin Cushion Correctors as well as flat Metal Ring magnets for centering and flooding applications. | |
Here we have Celco's Virtual Instrumentation Test Setup and Visual Inspection Station. | |
Celco's Virtual Instrumentation Test Setup and Visual Inspection Station as seen from a differnet angle. | |
Virtual Instrumentation Test Setup: The "Data Acquisition" software and hardware interfacing can be customized to accommodate just about any of our testing and measurement requirements. Testing can be automated for unattended time interval testing as well. |
By monitoring the output from a gaussmeter and using the X-Y table along with one of
our X-Y Traverses to support a magnetic probe, we are able to obtain 3 dimensional graphic representations of the DC
magnetic fields produced by various magnetic and electromagnetic components. The unlabeled graph at the left represents data plotted immediately after a data acquistion run. The X-axis represents an 8 inch axial-probe sweep through the center of a 4.25" long Focuser. The Z-axis represents the axial-probe position across the diameter from -0.75" to +0.75" from diametric center. Diametric sweeps occur at 0.25" intervals along the 8 inch X-axis sweep. The Y-axis represents the field strength measured in gausses. |
The Visual Inspection Station is used to inspect circuit boards, coils, soldering
of leads and terminals, etc... Inspection can be performed directly via microscope, using a digital camera through a microscope or using a digital camera in MACRO mode. Images that are viewed on the computer's monitor can be trapped and stored by software. Photos may be taken directly via digital camera and downloaded to computer later. The X-Y Boom, shown between the two monitors, accommodates standard cameras and CELCO microscopes. |